Monday, April 23, 2007


I want to be happy,
Instead of being depressed and trying to take a lil' nappy,
I want a boyfreind,
Jus someone who will be there 4 me and show they care jus a lil'
Comeone who wud never hit me,
Hopefully not cheat on me,
Jus straight up be there 4 me,
I want 2 spend time wit Crackajack,
Who I can currently no longer see,
I want a boii who won't make me cry,
Someone who will jus give me a try,
Someone who won't make me draw that to my wrist at night,
I don't ask for much,
These are simple things to look 4 in a boii,
I just want to find someone,
To lift my mind off other things,
I just want to get out of Kirkland,
Start fresh,
Build a new rep.,
Yuhh I don't care bout people talkin shit,
But there's got to be a point when you say,
Na I'm done with this shit,

"How do you fall out of love?"

how do you fall out of love with someone,
who's already fallin out of love with you,
how do you fall out of love with someone,
when you have no one to turn to,

I look back to where it was just the two of us,
I sit here and wonder did he truly love me or did he not give a fuck,
I look back to the first day we met,
I'd try to remember if he fret,

My minds on him constantly,
what's he doin, who's he with,
has he dumped that lil' miss perfect bitch,
if so who's he bout to be with,

I continue thinkin and lookin back,
If he did love me he sure had a fucked up way of showin it,
cheatin on me den I threw the hit,
I remember him cryin on his hands and knees that I will never forget,

I love this boy with all my heart,
but now its time for us to be apart so someone please,
tell me how to fall out of love with someone,
who your convinced has already fallin out of love with you.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

done i hope

how can he do this
after he said he'd wait 4 meh
he said we get back together
but now hes bak wit lil miss perfect
whos everything im not
why do i always get screwed over
now i need a man
a man who truly no's how to be one
so I can get over him
cuz everytime I think of him I wanna cry
I don't no why I always get my hopes up
den let him bring me down
now I have no one to turn to for advice
everything he was there for
i could talk to him about anything
cry on his shoulder
now that lately hes been gone
i dont no what to do
i jus need to find a boii to turn to

written: March 11, 2007


people say I don't love him
truly I do
people say i'd used him
that I would never do
people want to kick my ass
what did I do
is it a crime for loving someone older
a crime for him being there for me
when he's out I will be there for him
I never want to lose him
that I say is true
I would never get him in trouble on purpose
that I would never do
I gave him my heart
he gave me his
we will never give back to each other
cuz together is where we belong
we put our all into us
and screw everyone who thinks its wrong

written: March 8, 2007

here we go again

after all this time
your comin back 2 me like a drop at a dime
I missed you this whole time
why see me now
whats the difference I don't understand how
at least now I can stop havin a cow
I loved you so much
jus wish I can show you how much
your the one I trust
i'd tell you anythang
cuz your my love
my best friend
at times my only friend
the only one I need
I don't need DAMN WEED
you've helped me through so much
urr the one I love to touch
who knows where I'd be without you
I'd be a lot more messed up then now
I thank you for so much
now I just want 2 be back in your arms
such your such a charm

written: Feb. 23 2007


tear, tear,
drop, drop,
oh shit there goes another gun shot,
another one down,
more people with tears to drown,
thinkin why him,
why now,
people jus don't wanna disavow,
he was a good man,
a strong man,
my man,
he will always be remembered,
he would want you to think happy thoughts,
don't spend your time thinkin sad thoughts,
hez gone now,
there's not much we can do now,
but remember all he did.

written a while ago...

Thursday, February 15, 2007


why is it that i like him
but he dont like me
he's callin up sum other bitch
on his telle
i wish i knew what was wrong with me
is my life just so meessed up that no one can stand the thought of being with me
i wish i was lil' miss perfect
but im way far from perfect
i just want a man that won't lie or cheat
a man that won't hit me when he gets full of heat
someone that will treat me right
show meh 2 his spotlight
but i will never get this
cuz i dont deserve this
since i'm not lil' miss perfect!

-i had this man but i lost him and even though im tryin to late im still gonna try cuz i want him back-